Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween Box

Pink and Green Mama, Mary Lea recently blogged her Halloween sensory box. I was sold on the idea. I went to the dollar tree snagged some goodies, went to the pantry grabbed some beans, and I got the under the bed storage container that held the girls' bed linens. I placed the linens in a zipper bag for under the bed. I dumped the beans. I set up the furniture, and we were ready to be "fooky"
It has been fun for everyone. I am looking forward to keeping this up, and switching it monthly if not more!
Plastic skeleton rings make great masks for the Playmobile people. There weren't enough "masks" so some are wearing spiders on their backs.
We have found that window clings work great for the side of the box. Another level of play could be added with the addition of window clings.

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